PORTLAND AREA (503) 678-5525 TOLL FREE (877) 678-5525

Pot-in-Pot Planter - GK15-3


  • Pot Sizes: Custom Pot Sizes 7 to 25 gallon
  • Row Spacing: Spacing minimum of 36”
  • Trench: Width of trench opening 18” to 25” | Automatic trench filling
  • Drainage/Dripline: Installs drainage and drip line simultaneously | 1” drip line with onboard reel | 4” drainage tile installed under each pot
  • Unit Size: Ships in a dry van (120”L x 90”W x 84”H) | 4500 lbs

Nurserymen know trees, plants and shrubs planted in pots that are buried in the ground stand up to winter winds and cold temperatures better than those in above-ground pots. GK Machine’s Pot-in-Pot Planter helps get those pots in and out of the ground fast and efficiently.

Nursery pots are set in the ground and liner pots containing the plants are inserted, making a double pot system that prevents rooting out into the soil. The pots are recessed in the ground, preventing blow-over and protecting the roots from extreme temperatures. The liner pots get pulled and sold with the plant; the outside socket pots are then replanted with a new crop.

  • Compared to field grown trees, pot-in-pot requires more labor and greater investment at planting, but provides labor and equipment savings at harvest, 20-25% savings per year.
  • Pot-in-pot production increases availability of fresh, high quality stock anytime during the growing season providing a steady supply of fresh plants for market all season.
  • More root mass is harvested and transplanted when trees are grown in containers or in-ground fabric containers than when produced as B and B stock.

The design of the GK Pot-in-Pot Planter is a result of many hours of collaboration with growers, nurserymen, and field engineers to produce a safe and economical solution for potting trees, shrubs and plants.

Other Options:

  • On-board hydraulic leveling
  • Automatic tilt control row maker
Phone: (877) 678-5525 | 10590 Donald Road NE | PO Box 427 | Donald, Oregon 97020-0427 email facebook googleplus youtube linkedin Copyright © GK Machine Inc. All Rights Reserved.